Gurudev travels the world sharing wisdom and insights on a number of timely and important topics. He has written books that teach and inspire. His talks motivate and encourage, offer comfort and reassurance, and provide insights for daily living.

Seeing God in Everyone

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Become God to each other. Do not look for God somewhere in the sky, but see God in every pair of eyes, in the mountains, in water, in trees and in animals. How? Only when you see God in yourself will this happen. Only God can worship God.

To recognize Divinity, there are three dimensions—time, space and mind.

For seekers, it is necessary to honor time and space so they can experience sacredness in their minds. When you honor time and space, your mind becomes alert. But for the one who has transcended the mind, either sacredness has no meaning or all times, every place and every mood is sacred.

Lake Tahoe, California, United States

July 8, 2001

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